E o que fizeram os humanos? Não descansaram enquanto não mataram um exemplar! Era mesmo necessário fazer isso? Não poderiam ter, pelo menos, recolhido mais informação primeiro?
Ignacio Ramonet, Le Monde Diplomatique
Muy pocos medios de comunicación lo han comentado. La opinión pública no ha sido alertada. Y sin embargo, las preocupantes conclusiones del Informe final (1), publicado por la Comisión Europea el pasado 8 de julio, sobre los abusos en materia de competencia en el sector farmacéutico merecen ser conocidas por los ciudadanos y ampliamente difundidas.
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This painting, titled Jacob's Dog, is known to be a painting of the real life dog Ms. Honolulu (aka "Lulu"), the pet of Lost executive producer Jack Bender. It was in real life created by artist Thomas Hannsz. (Photo Source: CCTV.com)
Colombian Painter Fernando Botero is now famous for being one of the first artists to use the horrors of Abu Ghraib as inspiration for his work. But some years ago he was known for renditions -- some might call them parodies --of Old Masters, like this Fatso Mona Lisa. (Photo Source: CCTV.com)
The 3D Art Expert used some basic garden tools and a lawnmower to recreate a Mona Lisa in Tania's South London lawn. Working with nature's canvas he carefully prepared the surface, trimmed the blades of grass and over the course of two days the woman with the enigmatic smirk came to life.(Photo Source: CCTV.com)
Artist Phil Hansen recreated the infamous Mona Lisa —using burger grease. He used 14 grease-laden burgers to create the unusual masterpiece for an American fast food company — who wanted to show how much grease was in their competitor's burgers.(Photo Source: CCTV.com)
Created over three months by the employees of the Takashimaya department store in Japan, this Mona Lisa recreation (among other pieces) is made entirely of recycled train tickets. Over 320,000 old tickets were used to recreate the Da Vinci masterpieces of The Mona Lisa, The Birth Of Venus, and Renoir's Dance At The Moulin De La Galette.(Photo Source: CCTV.com)